The Pearson Center of Scripps Research La Jolla is one of the world leaders in the biomedical science of alcoholism, addiction, and the brain. Established in 2003 in La Jolla, California through the generosity of a multi-million dollar gift, The Pearson Center uses the latest biomedical research with clinical treatments to fight the deadly disease of alcohol use disorder. Our main clinical study focuses on medication to treat alcohol use disorder.

If you are a heavy drinker and are interested in participating in life-changing clinical research, please contact us to see if you are eligible.

Non-Treatment Study for Drinkers

Do you regularly drink alcohol but do not want alcohol treatment? You have the opportunity to be a part of life-changing medical research while being compensated for your time.

About the Clinical Trials at Scripps Research La Jolla

Clinical trials are an essential component of getting novel solutions to alcohol use disorder, binge drinking, and addiction issues. Addiction is a serious issue in America and throughout the world, and clinical research done at The Pearson Center at Scripps Research La Jolla, is aimed at trying to help eradicate this issue. We get qualified study participants from San Diego, California to try new and exciting treatments that can help curb binge drinking and alcohol cravings. We closely monitor these individuals over a multiple week clinical research study to find out if the medication reduces drinking and the urge to drink, compared to a placebo.

If you are interested in participating in a clinical research study, please fill out the form below and a member of our team will be in touch.